Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Open and shut cases

closed cases
Sometimes you just have to sew.

Sew Incredibles is having a party this week and we are exchanging glasses cases. I love the one Nancy Shriber posted on her web site many years ago, but found myself wanting to make something even simpler. At Camp Sew 'N' Sew, wonderful quilting friend Doris showed the kids this cute little project. It takes just a few minutes, even if you add a strap, button loop, and button.


open case

approximately 10" square of batting or cotton flannel
two 10" squares of coordinating fabric
one button
1 yard or less of cording or bias tubing

Using a piece of pattern tissue or other paper, cut out a *house* with walls that are about 5", a foundation that is about 8", and a pitched roof that measures about 6" from the top of a wall to the apex. Now you have the pattern. Trace it onto the wrong side of one of the fabric squares.

Create a sandwich starting with the batting on the bottom. Next comes the unmarked fabric, face up. Lastly place the marked fabric wrong side up. Note that the 2 fabric pieces are right sides together. The batting is on the bottom.

Sew 1/4" seams around a wall, the roof, and the other wall (*). Turn the top fabric piece right side out. The batting should now be sandwiched between the two fabric pieces. Finish the bottom with a zig-zag stitch.

Fold the two walls together and stitch them together with a 1/4" seam. Press open creating a funnel of sorts. Stitch across the foundation which is now 6 layers thick. Turn to right side, press.

If you want to have a functional button, you need to sandwich a bias tube in the top of the roof, or place a girl's pony tail band there. Include these in the seam sewn above (*). Now just sew the button on.

Likewise, if you want a strap, it needs to be inserted prior to sewing the seam noted with (*).

Sew quick. Sew satisfying.

I think they need some beads now.

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