Saturday, February 4, 2012

Classic Shirt Details

Pam in one of her divine shirts
Just completed Pam Howard's class on the classic shirt. I am barely functioning on sensory-information-inspiration overload. Wow. Great class.

She started with a mouth-watering trunk show. My favorite fabrics were softened linen and also silk dupionni. Both show her fabulous top-stitching beautifully. She covered all the gorgeous classic details and I left with the definite impression that I can do that too! I made some head-way on Vogue 1215, but mostly took notes and tried to absorb everything.
Tower placket

 Some of the details include tower plackets, traditional shirt patch pockets, continuous bias plackets, collars with collar bands, flat-felled seams, rolled hem, and lots and lots of lovely top-stitching. My favorite item that I simply must try next would have to be the traditional tower placket. She demonstrated it but there was no time to practice it, plus no one had a pattern with that detail.

First task when returning home was to (1) dig through the pattern stash to see if I had a pattern with the tower placket, and (2) read some more of David Coffin's book, especially on the tower placket.

Now back to Vogue 1215.
Collar with band
Pam's perfect top-stitching
Continuous bias placket


  1. Oh Martha, those details are wonderful! And they look great on the dupioni. Sounds like such a good class.

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