Saturday, July 2, 2016

Trio Cargo Pants

Lots and lots of people have made and commented on these pants, so I'll try to be brief. These are the pants portion from a pattern called the Trio published by The Sewing Workshop (TSW).

I like them.

Signature detail on pants from The Sewing Workshop - flat front. Gotta like that!
And what's not to like? Some people say they have omitted the long deep pockets, claiming them to be not-useful. I wore mine for the first time today and used one of those darned cute pockets for my car key while I filled the tank. Just right.

And...the pockets are so much fun to make. I was scratching my head while trying to follow the instructions. I am a professional ripper so no big deal. BTW, did you know that the women working in the very early space program were called Computers. That was their job title - Computers. And guess what they did? Any way I've earned the job title Ripper. And I would have loved being a Computer.

The boxed corner construction on the pockets is quite clever.
These are loose-fitting, that is, big. The big part is not in my hip fluff area so really no problem. Since so many people went down a size in these (I did not), I am looking forward to trying on a smaller pair when I go to Kansas for Sew Kansas week after next.

I will be making more of these. I like that shape around the ankles.


  1. Thank you for posting this! I have been looking at my copy lately and wondering how I would like them...have the perfect fabric and love funky pants...the SW pattern envelope illustrations don't usually help me much.

  2. What super fun pants! I really love pants that have something going on - these are great.

  3. Those are cute on you...quirky and stylish :-)

  4. I love my Trio pants! Though it can be hard to retrieve things from those deep pockets. :)

  5. I love those. My pattern ended up in the huge to do pile. Must find!
