Friday, July 27, 2012

Just a tote

Here is a tote I completed after taking a sashiko class with Hellenne Vermillion. She is always so inspiring. And she has that Japanese heritage that brings an appealing perspective to her work. I aspire to channel her artfulness here and elsewhere.

Meanwhile I am struggling to create a second piece for an upcoming show that Fiber Art Fusion is having.  My first piece turned out too *cute.* It's OK but it doesn't feel like it belongs to me. If all else fails, it will be my contribution to this show.

Right now I'm trying to finish a boro piece. I feel more connected to it.

I'll post both soon. Actually I hope to finish both soon. I miss making garments and this has become a bit of a creative block.

May you have a creative day.


  1. that's cute - good luck with your fibre art fusion entry

  2. I look forward to seeing more of your sashiko work.
